Arcadia is available across the United States and you can transfer your account from home to home with few exceptions.
First, be sure to contact your utility to schedule a stop service request and start service request. If enrolled in Auto-Pay with Arcadia, we will pick up and pay your final utility bill as usual.
After you've contacted your utility, you can fill out a move request on your Arcadia dashboard.
Step One:
Login to your Arcadia dashboard.
Step Two:
Go to the 'Profile' icon in the upper right-hand corner and select 'Settings' in the dropdown.
Step Three:
Under Account settings, select 'Moving'.
Step Four:
Fill out information about your new home. We'll ask for what we need to get your account connected and let you know about any new programs you may qualify for if changing utilities.
You can also reach out to us by email anytime at or by phone at
(866) 526-0083 between 9am and 7pm EST, Monday through Friday.
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