Community Solar is available to renters and homeowners with eligible utilities in Colorado. To participate in Community Solar with Arcadia, customers must create an account and have their utility bills managed by Arcadia so we may connect you to a project and correctly apply your solar savings.
After enrolling, eligibility for our Community Solar program in Oregon is dependent on various factors, including your electric utility, zip code, and electricity rate class. If you have any of the following electric utilities and have questions regarding your eligibility, please feel free to contact our Customer Support team.
Eligible Utilities in Oregon:
- Pacific Power
- Portland General Electric
- Idaho Power
*** Customers with Pacific Power, Portland General Electric & Idaho Power are eligible for UCB Billing.
Please note that certain circumstances such as rooftop solar and non-residential rate classes may impact eligibility.
You can reach our Customer Support team via email at or via phone at (866) 526-0083 Monday through Friday 9 AM EST to 5 PM EST.
This organization is operating under the Oregon Community Solar Program. The Oregon Community Solar Program is a state-enabled initiative overseen by the Oregon Public Utility Commission and implemented by Energy Solutions, The Energy Trust of Oregon, and Community Energy Project, and Portland General Electric. The Program provides resources and certification for its Project Managers (PMs) but does not promote any individual PM or PM affiliated organization. For more information about the program, call 1-800-481-0510 or email .
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